Hey there, I’m Manan Shah 👋
Consulting & developing digital products, and immersive experiences
Case Studies

API Management Platform

API Management Platform refers to a set of tools, processes, and policies designed to manage and monitor Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) throughout their lifecycle. APIs enable different software applications and systems to communicate and interact with each other, allowing data and functionality to be shared and utilized across various platforms.

Cyber Resilience Platform

A Cyber Resilience Platform empowers organizations to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity, enabling them to better protect their assets, respond to incidents, and maintain operations in the face of evolving cyber threats. Additionally, it supports organizations in achieving compliance certification as per the required standards, providing a comprehensive solution for cyber resilience and regulatory adherence.

WhatsApp Marketing Platform Website

A WhatsApp marketing tool website serves as a comprehensive platform for businesses to leverage the popularity and reach of WhatsApp for their marketing campaigns. It streamlines the process of sending bulk messages, provides automation and personalization features, offers analytics for campaign tracking, and facilitates customer engagement through multimedia messaging.

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Decentralized Finance Trading Platform

A platform that allows users to trade and exchange digital assets directly with each other without the need for intermediaries such as banks or traditional financial institutions. Unlike centralized exchanges that rely on a central authority to facilitate transactions and hold user funds, a decentralized trading platform operates on a blockchain network, leveraging smart contracts to enable peer-to-peer trading.

UX Design Services

With a client-centric approach, I specialize in creating user and customer experiences that feature captivating user interfaces (UI) and drive tangible business results. The goal is to assist brands in navigating all aspects of the digital landscape successfully.


UX/UI Design

UX/UI design combines aesthetics and functionality to create intuitive and engaging user experiences.

UX Research

UX research informs user-centered experiences through investigating user behaviors, needs, and preferences.


Branding is the strategic process of creating a distinct and memorable identity for a company, product, or service.


A bit about me

As a passionate UX designer and dedicated storyteller, I am driven by the principles of design thinking and an unwavering focus on creating user-centric experiences. With almost a decade of experience in the industry, I have collaborated with corporate giants, reputable IT firms, and dynamic startups, honing my expertise and expanding my repertoire.

Outside of work, my wildlife photography captures the raw beauty of nature, while my sketching skills add a touch of artistic flair.




